Another Soul in Me

Plot Synopsis

"Another Soul in Me" is a heartwarming and healing drama that tells the remarkable story of the unexpected bond that forms between the strong-willed grandmother Liu Xiu Ying and her socially anxious granddaughter Liu Qi Meng.

Though Liu Xiu Ying is a social butterfly and Liu Qi Meng is a shy recluse, the two have been each other's family for years. But a sudden accident leads to an astonishing twist - their souls switch bodies. Liu Xiu Ying finds herself trapped in her granddaughter's youthful form, while Liu Qi Meng must navigate life in her grandmother's elderly frame.

This supernatural swapnot only allows the two to experience vastly different lives, but also grants them unprecedented insight into each other's inner worlds. Under Liu Xiu Ying's confident influence, the meek Liu Qi Meng blossoms in her career, tidying upher chaotic workplace with newfound decisiveness. Conversely, Liu Qi Meng's calmingpresence allows the always-busy Liu Xiu Ying to finally slow down and savor the simple joys of retirement.

As timepasses, the two gradually come to understand and embrace their differences. They find new sources ofpurpose and happiness in each other's lives, healing old wounds in theprocess. Bound by their love and loyalty, they face life's challenges side-by-side, supporting andprotecting one another.

"Another Soul in Me" weaves a narrative of familial and romantic love, using the fantasticalpremise of a soul swapto explore the generational divide and foster mutual understanding. The show also infuses the story with the everyday details of ordinary lives, allowing the audience to empathize with the characters' everyday triumphs and struggles.

Where to Watch "Another Soul in Me"

TencentVideo (Subscription)WeTV (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Zhang De Fang

Zhang De Fang
(Zhang Ai Yue)

Yan Fei Fei

Yan Fei Fei
(Bao Chen Xi)

Wang Da Lu

Wang Da Lu
(Liu Yuan Feng)

Pang Juan

Pang Juan
(Wei Chen Fei)