Hero Is Back

Plot Synopsis

Based on the original comic "Zhenhun Jie" by Xu Chen, "Hero Is Back" follows Cao Yan Bing, Xia Ling, and Bei Luo Shi Men, three individuals with distinct goals who unite in their quest to find the mysterious Luhua Ancient Tower. As they navigate various challenges, they support each other, leading topersonal growth and the revelation of a shocking secret.

While battling invaders in Luocha Street, Cao Yan Bing discovers a clue about his missing mother. Determined to save her, he embarks on aperilous journey to the hidden realm of Luhua Ancient Tower, uncovering a vast conspiracy behind her disappearance. Teaming upwith his companions, Cao Yan Bing confronts the evil forces atplay, ultimately triumphing and restoringpeace to the world.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Yan Tian Yue
(Zhang Hong Wei)

Tang Xiao Xiao
(Yu Lang)

Diao Ling Yun
(Chen Meng Xi)

Yan Ling Yu
(Chen Zi Han)