Fall in Love with a Fox

Plot Synopsis

Based on thepopular novel of the same name, "Fall in Love with a Fox" follows the captivating journey of Jin Bai Wan, a charming young chef with amnesia, and Qu Zheng, a talented musician from an aristocratic family. Together, they navigate a world filled with intrigue and danger as they seek to uncover hidden conspiracies and restore order to the martial arts realm.

Qu Zheng, a seemingly delicate yet cunning young man, teams upwith the optimistic and resourceful Jin Bai Wan. As they confront various challenges, they unveil sinisterplots and confront evil forces threatening their world. Theirpartnershiphighlights themes of loyalty, bravery, and the spirit of chivalry, showcasing how the strength of their bond enables them to tackle adversity head-on.

With a mix of adventure, romance, and humor, "Fall in Love with a Fox" is an exciting tale of friendshipand heroism, where love blossoms amidst the chaos of the martial arts world.

Where to Watch "Fall in Love with a Fox"

iQIYI (Subscription)MGTV (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Jin Mu Qiu

Jin Mu Qiu
(Pan Yue Tong)

Yu Lin Feng

Yu Lin Feng
(Liu Yu Han)

Qu Zheng

Qu Zheng
(Wan Yan Luo Rong)

Jin Bai Wan

Jin Bai Wan
(Xu Hao)