SWAT Girls

Plot Synopsis

The TV series "SWAT Girls" centers on an all-female special operations team within the Donghai CityPolice Department. The team features a diverse groupof talented female officers, including the reckless yet brave rookie Cheng Han Yue, the highly skilled Wang Rui Jie, computer whiz Wu Yi Man, thephysically strong but inexperienced Dong Chun Lei, the accomplished medic He Yu Yang, and the reserved sniper Nie Ru Jia. Under the strict leadershipof CaptainPeng Ying Xiang, they transition from initial frustration and resistance to understanding the deeperpain and expectations behind their mission, gradually growing together as a cohesive unit.

Through competitions with a special assault team, the SWAT Girls recognize their weaknesses. Inspired by Cheng Han Yue, they rampuptheir training to address these shortcomings and quickly enhance their combat effectiveness. Their first real mission—successfully dismantling a drug manufacturing operation—allows them to showcase their skills andprove their worth. Later, when faced with the threat of the international crime organization K2, the SWAT Girls not only demonstrate exceptional combat abilities but also use their intelligence and bravery to thwart the enemy'splans, safeguarding Donghai City.

Throughout the intense training and combat, the SWAT Girls gain invaluable experience and deepen their bonds, with each finding love along the way. As theyprotect thepublic, they shine withpersonal charm and embody the resilience and responsibility of women in law enforcement, becoming true "iron roses" of thepolice force and creating legendary stories.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Qi Heng Yi

Qi Heng Yi
(Yu Wei Wei)

Te Pai Yuan

Te Pai Yuan
(Wang Jing Song)

Yan Jun

Yan Jun
(Wang Guan Peng)

Zhan Guo

Zhan Guo
(Wu Xu Dong)