Plot Synopsis
"The Unexpected Marriage" follows the story ofPrincess Changshen, who is saddled with the "husband-killer" label and struggles to find a husband despite being of marriageable age. The Emperor decides to arrange a marriage between her and the notorious King Li Jing of the Great Tong Kingdom, known for his ruthless exploits on the battlefield. Tasked with the "mission to marry and save the nation", Changshen and Li Jing embark on a hilarious and tumultuous romantic journey. Over time, they overcome theirpreconceptions, bravelypursue love, and ultimately discover the true meaning of love.
Princess Changshen is a woman blessed with both beauty and intelligence, but her maritalprospects have been repeatedly thwarted. Rumors of her "aversion to marriage" have spread far and wide, causing many suitors to shy away. However, Changshen is undeterred by the gossip- she firmly believes that true love is worth fighting for. With her clever and mischievouspersonality, she employs her own unique love strategies and sets out on a quest to find her soulmate.
Just then,Prince Lü Jing of the neighboring Great Qin Kingdom arrives in Fuyu as a marriage envoy. What was originally apolitical arrangement becomes an unexpected turningpoint in Changshen's love story. ThePrincess is instantly smitten with Lü Jing and decides to take bold action,putting her love tactics intoplay. First, she cleverly engineers various "chance" encounters to facilitate their interaction; next, she utilizes her sharpwit to create an atmosphere of ambiguity, gradually winning over Lü Jing's affection. Finally, she summons the courage to seal their relationshipwith a kiss, completely captivating Lü Jing's heart.
However, their love story is not without its challenges. While it may appear one-sided on Changshen'spart, Lü Jing has already developed deepfeelings for her. He secretly supports thePrincess's "little tricks" in herpursuit of love, and time and again, he comes to her aid in the shadows. From initial reluctant acquaintances, the two gradually come to know and love each other, facing many twists and trials together.
Where to Watch "The Unexpected Marriage"
Viki (Subscription)WeTV (Subscription)iQIYI (Subscription)MGTV SubscriptionTencentVideo SubscriptionEpisodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Episode 1 : The Protagonist Princess Welcomes the Red Marriage
Episode 2 : Chángshēng Is Being Utilized but Unaware
Episode 3 : The Betrayal of a Carefully Laid Plan
Episode 4 : Lu Jing of the Immortal Clan Falls into a Deep Pit
Episode 5 : Two Ladies Fiercely Chase After Zhao Huaibi
Episode 6 : Lu Jing Devises a Solution to the Salt Transportation Dilemma
Episode 7 : Long Sheng and Guang De, Zhao Huai Bi's Heartache
Episode 8 : Chang Sheng's Long-Distance Marriage to Da Tang for Political Alliance
Episode 9 : The Princess of Changsheng Sets Out on a Marriage Diplomatic Mission
Episode 10 : Arriving at the Capital but Failing to See the Qin King
Episode 11 : Long Life Discovers Yian is the King of Qin
Episode 12 : The Capricious Princess of Changsheng
Episode 13 : The Scheming Beneath the Surface in the Great Soup
Episode 14 : Palace Rumors Stir the Emperor's Suspicions
Episode 15 : Longshen Goes to the Imperial Study to Cultivate Her Morality
Cast & Role
Zhao Huai Bi
(Jin Chong)
Guang De
(Li Xing Yao)
Lv Jing
(Wu Jun Ting)
Lv Guan
(Gao Hui Lin)