Fateful Love

Plot Synopsis

The series follows Han Zi Qing, a concubine's daughter, and Jun Bei Yue, a legendary warrior, whosepaths cross due to a twist of fate involving a change in identity. They find themselves caught in a conflict surrounded bypowerful nations and diverse ethnic groups.

In the story, apoison known as "charming fragrance" reveals the mystery of Han Zi Qing’s origins, while seven scattered musical notes become the key to finding her homeland. To unravel the mystery, Han Zi Qing and Jun Bei Yue embark on a challenging journey, facing hiddenpowerful forces across the Longyuan continent. They explore secret realms that are inaccessible to ordinarypeople, such as Qin Yao Haigu and Yan Xian Island.

Through numerous trials and dangers, they ultimately uncover the truth about Han Zi Qing’s identity, vanquish various evil forces, andprotect thepeace of Longyuan. Along the way, their love blossoms into something beautiful.

Based on the novel **PoisonedPet MercenaryPrincess** by Mao Xiao Mao, the series combines elements of fantasy and romance, showcasing theprotagonists' growth and love in a fantastical world. The incorporation of elements like the charming fragrancepoison, the seven musical notes, and mysterious races helps create a vibrant and unique worldview, aiming to deliver a stunning visual and emotional experience to the audience.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-37

Cast & Role

Si Tu Hao Nan

Si Tu Hao Nan
(Wang Hao Xiang)

Nan Gong Qian Qian

Nan Gong Qian Qian
(Luo Shi Qi)

Bai Li Wei Sheng

Bai Li Wei Sheng
(Ren Shi Hao)

Chu Fei Yan

Chu Fei Yan
(Hai Ling)