As Husband as Wife

Plot Synopsis

"As Husband as Wife" Based on thepopular novel "Stay-at-Home Dad" by renowned relationshipcolumnist Maori, this urban romance tells the story of internet celebrity writer Che Li and stay-at-home dad Zhou Quan as they swapfamily roles and work together to overcome a household crisis.

As Zhou Quan faces a major career challenge in midlife, his wife Che Li unexpectedly finds fame, becoming apublic figure. The family's balance is disrupted as the father returns home while the mother immerses herself in her career, all while their sonprepares to start school. This household must rearrange their responsibilities to navigate the changing tides of life.

Meanwhile, the free-spirited and talented Meng Fei unexpectedly crossespaths with the witty and insightful Yuan Yi. From initial conflict, they gradually developa mutual appreciation, influencing each other as they explore the true meaning of life.

The story begins with Che Li, now a full-time homemaker, finding joy in the bustling family routine. But Zhou Quan, an IT veteran, faces opposition from a new boss at work. Che Li's writing talents then begin to shine, as her social media account gains attention and she receives a book deal. However, a sudden crisis with their son forces her toput down herpen and respond quickly.

As Che Li's fame grows, her life becomes increasingly busy - book signings, celebratoryparties - while Zhou Quan takes on more household responsibilities. Though facing numerous challenges, the couple steadfastly support each other.

On her social media, Che Li shares the joys and anxieties ofparenting, resonating with many readers. She also navigates tempting business opportunities, but remains true to herprinciples. Zhou Quan, after weathering the storms of the workplace, cherishes his time with family and decides to temporarilyput his career on hold to focus on them.

Meanwhile, Meng Fei and Yuan Yi's relationshipsubtly transforms - from initial misunderstanding and conflict to mutual understanding and support. They become indispensable to each other, weathering thepains and joys of growth together.

In this ever-changing, challenging household, eachperson adapts to new roles and lifestyles. United, they bravely face life's obstacles and opportunities. Through love and understanding, they find their own happiness andpeace.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36

Cast & Role

Meng Fei
(Qi Xi)

Che Li
(Yin Tao)

Yuan Yi
(Zhang Yun Long)

Zhou Quan
(Guo Jing Fei)